14:41 Nimisha Popat 0 Comments

Secret Home Remedies To Fight Your Pimples

PIMPLES… the worst nightmare of everyone which when forms part of the reality leaves us sad and frustrating. Pimples affect the beauty and appearance of anyone and can result in lower self esteem.

Are you having a bad pimple day??? Here are a few home remedies which would help in getting rid of the pimples quickly.

ALOE VERA: Aloe Vera is the best natural ingredient available to treat your pimples. It not only helps you have a pimple free skin but also leaves you with the best glowing skin that you have always dreamed of. All you need to do is take some aloe vera juice and apply it directly onto your pimples. Leave it for half an hour and you will have a beautiful result within a week.
NEEM: Neem is rich source of anti bacterial properties. To take its advantage all you need to do is take few Neem leaves crush them add a little water to form a thick paste. Now apply this mask onto your pimples and leave onto for about 45 mins and then wash it off with Luke warm water. You can see visible results within a week.

CUCUMBER: Cucumber is rich in vitamin A, C and E. It helps in making your skin glow and gives you that flawless skin that you have always wished. All you need to do is crush a cucumber and apply the paste onto the affected area. Leave for 45 mins and then wash it off with Luke warm water.

PAPAYA: Papaya is a good anti oxidant. It can help you get rid of the pimples quickly. All you need to do is take a papaya and crush it to form a thick paste and apply onto your skin. Leave for 45 mins and then wash it off with Luke warm water.

SANDALWOOD AND ROSE WATER: Take some sandalwood powder and add a bit of rose water to form a thick paste. Now apply the mask onto the affected area. Let it dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water. For best results repeat twice daily.

ICE: Ice has relaxing properties.  To take advantage of the ice in treating your pimples all you need to do is take a piece of cloth and few ice cubes. Now wrap the ice in the cloth and apply on your pimples for few seconds. Remove for a minute and then repeat about 7 to 8 times continuously. This will not only relax your body but also reduce the inflammation too.
LEMON JUICE: We all know lemon juice is rich source of vitamin C. this helps in drying up of pimples. But the only caution you have to take is that you use only fresh lemon juice. For using you just need to take about 2 table spoon of lemon juice, dip cotton in it and then apply on to the pimples. Leave it overnight and you will see the difference the next morning. For best results, apply every night it will help in removing the pimple marks too.

HONEY: Honey…Yes you heard it right. The sweet honey helps in fighting the bacterial infections. All you need to do is take a cotton ball, dip it in honey and apply onto your pimples. Leave for about 35 mins and then wash it off with lukewarm water. For best results repeat until the marks fade away.

TOOTHPASTE: Yup... it’s the white toothpaste that you use regularly for brushing your teeth. It can work wonders when it comes to treating your pimples. All you need to do is take some white toothpaste and apply onto your pimples and leave at least 35 mins and then wash it off with Luke warm water. For best results keep the toothpaste overnight on to your pimples. (Use only white toothpaste not any other toothpaste)

STEAM: Steaming opens up the pores and lets your skin breath. It can help in treating your pimples. All you need to do is take a container fill it with hot water. Take the steam onto the affected area and let your body sweat. After few minutes wash it off with lukewarm water and apply a good moisturizer preferably oil free. ( Don’t repeat this more often as steaming more often can result into early aging signs like wrinkles but doing it once a month will benefit you be sure you don’t do it more than that.)

GARLIC: Garlic is a rich source of antiviral properties which helps in healing your pimples quickly. All you need to do is take some garlic cloves and crush them. Now apply its juice onto your pimples. Leave for about 4 to 5 minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water. Repeat three times daily for best results.

All these are just a few remedies that can help you have your natural and beautiful pimple free skin back. Try these and fight pimples for that flawless skin.

Disclaimer: The remedies mentioned above must be discussed with your doctor and the website must not be held responsible for any problem resulting due to negligence adopted by any of its visitors or readers.