14:52 Nimisha Popat 0 Comments

Home Remedies To Help You Recover From Giddiness

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Giddiness... it’s the most confusing feeling anyone can ever have. If you are feeling giddy everything around you starts spinning, leaving you confused and imbalanced.


High Blood Pressure
Calcium Deficiency
Insufficient Blood Supply To The Brain
Iron Deficiency In The Body


Feeling Imbalance
Nausea Desire To Vomit


Here, I am sharing with you few of the home remedies which have been proven effective on giddiness.

DRINK CHILLED WATER: Giddiness sometimes is a result of dehydration. Drinking iced cold water about 4 to 5 glasses with 5 to 10 mins interval would help you get rid of the giddiness.

GINGER AND HONEY: Take about 2 table spoon of ginger juice and mix equal amount of honey and then drink it. This would help you get over giddiness. Do this three times daily for about 2 days.

LEMON JUICE: Take a container. Add 2 table spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt to 1 glass of water. Now add 3 table spoon of lemon juice to it. Drink it chilled. This would help you prevent giddiness. You may drink this juice 2 to 3 times a day for best results. (Drink the juice mouthful by mouthful)

STRAWBERRIES: Take about 4 to 5 strawberries chop them and mix it with yogurt and add 6 to 7 chopped almonds to it. Consume it and have better effective results.

JAGGERY: Eating jaggery directly 4 to 5 times daily would help you get faster effective results. (Not recommended for diabetic patients)

CUT OFF CAFFEINE: You should cut off caffeine and remain hydrated. Drink as much water as you can.

STAY AWAY FROM CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL: Whenever you drink alcohol or smoke a cigarette it lets you with the feeling of giddiness. So if you are already feeling giddy just stay away from the alcohol and cigarette.

DO BREATHING EXERCISES: This would help you increase the oxygen supply to your brain would help you recover from giddiness.

BLACK PEPPER: Consuming 2 to 3 black Pepper seeds with water daily after you brush your teeth are the best long term benefit for giddiness.

FENNEL SEEDS AND SUGAR: Take 2 table spoon of fennel seeds and 1 table spoon of sugar and just chew them. You will not believe but it works wonders. Next time you feel giddy I totally recommend u to try this remedy.

SUGARCANE JUICE: Sugarcane juice helps to increase the glucose level in your body which in turn fights giddiness. So, try sugarcane juice.

COW MILK: Cow milk helps u to fight giddiness. Drinking a glass full of cow milk will help you to recover from giddiness.

POMEGRANATE JUICE: This is yet another helpful remedy for giddiness. Pomegranate juice helps you to recover from giddiness really fast.

So, next time u are feeling really giddy and want to find your way out from the labyrinth, try out these remedies and u will be back to normal and healthy life soon…

Disclaimer: The remedies mentioned above must be discussed with your doctor and the website must not be held responsible for any problem resulting due to negligence adopted by any of its visitors or readers.