“BREAST CANCER”... As the name suggests, it is a type of cancer characterized by a lump in your breasts or in your underarms area. The lumps are called benign tumor or malignant tumor. Benign tumors are not considered cancerous while malignant tumors are cancerous. In any of the above cases, first you should consult your doctor.
- Breast swelling (whole or part)
- Irritation of skin
- Paining nipple
- Redness in nipples
- Breast skin turning red
- Nipples start thickening and turning inwards
- Nipples start to discharge liquids
- Lump in breast
- Lump in under arms region
- Painless breast
- Increased in heat radiance emission from breast
- Change in size of breast
1.VITAMIN D: The best remedy for breast cancer is consumption of vitamin
d daily in your diet. Vitamin d is available in milk, cod liver oil and eggs
2.BROCCOLI: It is one of the most effective remedies for kicking off
breast cancer.Consumption of broccoli helps in effectively killing cells of the
3.GRAPES: Intake of grapes helps to reduce estrogen production in the
body which in turn leads to one of the most beneficial treatment of breast
cancer. Grapes can be consumed as a part of parallel treatment for breast
cancer cure.
4.WHEAT GRASS: Wheat grass is an elixir for cancer patients. When wheat
grass is consumed in the form of juice it results in regression of cancer
cells. It helps to cleanse your body by getting rid off toxins in turn
strengthening your immunity system.
5.GREEN TEA: Consuming herbal tea daily decreases your chances of
formation of breast cancer.
6. GINGER: Consuming ginger juice daily results in relief from breast
cancer problems. All you need to do is extract its juice and take 2tbl spoon of
juice with equal quantity of honey and consume it. Repeat this daily for best
LIGNANS: These are found in cashew nut, strawberry peanut etc. these
helps in reducing growth rate of tumors in the body.
8.EXERCISE: Women of all ages when exercise daily and regularly are
less prone to breast cancer.
in slowing the tumor growth.
10.SOYBEAN: It is one of the must have ingredients for a breast cancer
patient. It contains “PHYTOESTROGENS” which helps in blocking cancer tissues
from using estrogen. It helps in early cure of breast cancer.
11.OLIVE OIL: It is very well known for its health benefits for human
body. Research states that when olive oil is consumed on daily basis it plays a
major role in kicking off breast cancer.
12.CALCIUM: Women who consume calcium are less prone to breast cancer.
Calcium rich foods are orange juice, milk, almond and leafy vegetables. Try
incorporating them in your daily diet plan.
13.BENEFICIAL DIET: Make a diet plan incorporating sprouts, soups, green
vegetables, salads and fruits. This would not only help in strengthening your
immunity system but also beneficial for breast cancer patients by reducing
14.FISH: Consumption of omega 3 rich fish is more effective for
prevention of breast cancer.
15.WHOLE-GRAIN FOODS: Whole grain foods are rich source of fiber. This helps in
controlling fluctuations level of hormones. Fruits, brown rice are whole
grain food's best examples.
16.TURMERIC: Turmeric helps in fighting the spread of cells of breast
cancer. Try just adding a pinch of turmeric to your meals.
17.TOMATOES: Tomatoes prevents breast cancer by eliminating cell
growth. Drinking tomato juice daily or soup proves beneficial for breast cancer
18.GARLIC: Consuming garlic seeds daily either raw or by adding it to
your meals can gift a person a cancer free life. Thus it is an excellent remedy
for cancer.
19.MORNING SUNSHINE: Try remaining exposed to morning sunshine. It helps in
reduction of growth of cancer cells in the body.
- Reduce the intake level of toxic substances namely, alcohol, coffee, tea or other medicines without prescription.
- Try to remain stress free as much as possible. Stress increases free radicals.
- Stay away from harmful diets and eating habits. Cut off meat level intake.
- Breast cancer causes due to nobody’s fault so don’t feel guilty.
- It is absolutely treatable. So don’t panic.
- By making normal changes to your dietary life you can kick off breast cancer.
Disclaimer: The remedies mentioned above must be discussed with your
doctor and the website must not be held responsible for any problem resulting
due to negligence adopted by any of its visitors or readers.